
First update to my game, its challenging but fun learning about the renpy engine and how to use it. Going abit slow but picking the pace up as i go.

 Added another day's worth of content and alot of story. A good number of new images and a ton of text. Making the story has been pretty fun and its evolving as i go but i think i have a general idea of where i want to take it. 

Thanks to anyone who plays it and gives me any feedback, again would like to maybe switch from HS to something like daz but i have looked into it some and it looks like there is quite a steep learning curve. And although the payoff is definetly worth it learning daz before i continue making the game would impeed the process quite abit. 

So maybe next time, we'll see. There is also the argument of drawn art and while that still would be my ideal i dont think there is much chance of it happening. So we are stuck with some half shitty HS images hehe. But its better than nothing.


CareerinTransformation-0.2pc.zip 226 MB
Jun 15, 2019

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